I am currently trying to use Qbox to compute the effective molecular polarizability for individual water molecules, this time in a periodic system of 1024 water molecules. Essentially, this boils down to computing the MLWF centers around each water molecule and taking a finite difference of the dipoles over the electric field perturbation, as per my previous issue: viewtopic.php?t=306&sid=2f7d50243097783 ... 5644765d51
I am currently applying my workflow on DOE NERSC Perlmutter, but it is taking a very long time for a single frame (over 19 hours and still running) for a periodic system of 1024 water molecules. Below is my job script that I am using to run the calculation:
Code: Select all
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --constraint cpu
#SBATCH --qos=regular
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=128
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH -A m4026
#SBATCH -J Qbox_W1024
export OMP_PLACES=threads
export OMP_PROC_BIND=spread
# default job name is job script file name
# To change job name, submit with: sbatch -n 64 -J jobname file.job
module load PrgEnv-gnu cray-fftw
export XERCES_C_DIR=$PROJECTDIR/software/xerces/xerces-c-3.1.4_gnu
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$PROJECTDIR/software/AMD/amd-libflame/lib/LP64:$PROJECTDIR/software/AMD/amd-blis/lib/LP64
export QBOX_OPTS='-nstb 2'
#cd /pscratch/sd/f/frankhu/qbox_calcs/082624_REDO_monomer_tst/qbox_inp_W64_dset
#echo $PWD
#srun --cpu_bind=cores $exe $QBOX_OPTS $infile > $outfile
#cd /pscratch/sd/f/frankhu/qbox_calcs/082624_REDO_monomer_tst/qbox_inp_RPBE
#echo $PWD
#srun --cpu_bind=cores $exe $QBOX_OPTS $infile > $outfile
cd /pscratch/sd/f/frankhu/qbox_calcs/092524_W1024_test_frame/W1024_single_frame_test
echo $PWD
srun --cpu_bind=cores $exe $QBOX_OPTS $infile > $outfile
is 360, so I have set the value of nstb
to 2 for now.Besides running timing tests to try optimizing the value of the
parameter, are there any other suggestions for accelerating the calculation? Ideally I would like to use Qbox to compute the MLWFs (and consequently the polarizabilities) of many such frames, not just a single one. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance!